Freaky Anti-Drug Commercial

Friday, March 7, 2008

English is not the only language!

When we think of low literacy, we think that "They do not know how to speak, read, or understand English." Therefore, they are not intelligent and should be treated differently. Why is it that the English language is the language that everyone should know? There are thousands of languages out there, but yet we limit ourselves to mostly English? Being able to read, write, and understand other languages is an open door to other opportunities and worlds. They should focus more on teaching other languages during elementary, middle, and high school. Everyone that comes to live in the USA has to "get used" to the American way of life. Why doesn't America accomodate others of different cultures, thus, creating labels and directions easier for those that do not speak english. This would reduce people endangering themsleves from taking the wrong medicines and other things similar. Limiting ourselves to one language limits our outlook on the world.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Labels! Labels! Labels!

Did you know?? We label everything? Believe it or not, we are always categorizing. Always. What keeps us sane every moment of the day is being able to cassify people, things, anything! into categories. Is this a problem? Of course it is. When we put a label on someone, it means that other factors or attributes come along with this label. For example, there are children born with ambiguous genitals. Doctors and parents get really confused because the child does not have one or the other if you know what I mean. Therefore, doctors think they are Gods and try to fix the problem. If it looks more like one, then that's what the child will grow up to be. The problem with this? The child ends up getting confuses about who or what they are? They've been mutilated into this other sex that they don't feel comfortable with. That's the problem with labels. it kind of makes people look at things in black or white, but really, everything is gray! I learnt this in a sociology class, it was great and extremely interesting. This website has an article that explains it better. Thus, as health communicators, we need to really think about how we target our audience and what labels we choose, if we choose to use labels at all...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Get to Know your Audience

This week in class we dicussed audience segmentation. This topic is so important because there are lots of people out there with different personalities, interests, backgrounds, and experience. You have to really be carefully about how you approach a certain types of people. One health communication strategy could work for set of individuals, but not for another. How do you where to direct your campaign? It comes back to formative research. You have to gain knowledge about your audience. Even put yourself into their shoes. Then when you know more about them, pick which type of audience you'd like to target. Can you guest which audiences these ads are targeting?

Friday, February 15, 2008

We have learnt so much already about health communication as we wrap up the first module. The class started with everyone's own perception of health communication. To me, it is a method used to provide information to individuals or groups of people about aspects related to health improvement behaviors through speech, pictures, and words. In essence, the purpose of health communication would also be to evoke change within individuals.

Then we went on to discuss theories about how to shape health campaigns. Theories such asthe rational based theory, which tells us that people actively precontemplate without emotion. Then there is how people sort out messages in their heads, systematically or heuristicly. Personal, I think people do both at the same time.

Next, we learnt about formative research. A lot of work goes into creating commercials and health campaigns. For any type of commercial to get their message across, it should be very well designed and well researched. The best way for messages to get throug usually is through story telling. It puts an image into people's heads and allows them to remember it better.

The following link, I feel is very useful. It has many commericals about being anti-drug. The commercials are very creative and gets people feeling emotional. Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I got emotional. I like the dog talking one.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Spiritual Health

So, it is week three already of school! Feels like we just started school. Anyways...we've been talking about about how messages can create, change, and reinforce. Well, what I want to do with my message today is to create and maybe reinforce. I want to create awareness about spiritual health. I do not impose any type of religion on people, but I want you to understand that if we have some type of spiritual belief in our lives, it can help us alot. It can helps us deal with life maybe, feel more up lifted, or just more hopefull. I am a Buddhist and have grown up my entire life as one because of my family. However, it has only been these last few years that I really understand want being spiritual is all about. Being healthy means being well in every aspect of life. Well, I believe that people need to be well spiritually as well. It does not have to be Buddhism or any type of religion. You can believe in fairies for all I care. The point is, have some type of inner feelings and beliefs of higher beings than ourselves. You'll find that it helps you get through life easier, and have some sense of meaning, if that makes any sense. Hope all is well!

Please visit this site:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Social Health

When people think of health, they usually think of being physically fit, not sick, and eating right. Well, when I think of health, I think of everything that makes a person well. This includes socializing. Human beings are social creatures and being a hermit is very unhealthy... Therefore, I think that everyone should go out, meet others, get adventurous! There are so many things to get involved in. I personally like to snowboard, hike, watch movies, cook, garden, and soooo much more. The world is out there for you to explore! Go explore! :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hi everyone!!! Welcome to my very first blog. At this moment, I am at work, but not doing work. Instead, I'm blogging... I am new to this blogging thing, so some pointers would be great.

My name is phonetically spelled Satari, but it's really spelled Sothary (the h is silent). I am of Cambodian decent, which is where I got my soooo orginal name. Hehehe... I am currently a full-time student at SDSU in the MPH, Health Promotion program. So far, I love it! I also work part-time for a non-profit. It gets kind of boring, but I can't give it up...too many perks. favorite colors are pink and yellow. I like chick flicks, cooking, shopping, all things girly...

That's it for now. This is supposed to be for class (PH663), so maybe I shouldn't write too much about myself...


I use "..." alot...