Freaky Anti-Drug Commercial

Friday, March 7, 2008

English is not the only language!

When we think of low literacy, we think that "They do not know how to speak, read, or understand English." Therefore, they are not intelligent and should be treated differently. Why is it that the English language is the language that everyone should know? There are thousands of languages out there, but yet we limit ourselves to mostly English? Being able to read, write, and understand other languages is an open door to other opportunities and worlds. They should focus more on teaching other languages during elementary, middle, and high school. Everyone that comes to live in the USA has to "get used" to the American way of life. Why doesn't America accomodate others of different cultures, thus, creating labels and directions easier for those that do not speak english. This would reduce people endangering themsleves from taking the wrong medicines and other things similar. Limiting ourselves to one language limits our outlook on the world.