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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Spiritual Health

So, it is week three already of school! Feels like we just started school. Anyways...we've been talking about about how messages can create, change, and reinforce. Well, what I want to do with my message today is to create and maybe reinforce. I want to create awareness about spiritual health. I do not impose any type of religion on people, but I want you to understand that if we have some type of spiritual belief in our lives, it can help us alot. It can helps us deal with life maybe, feel more up lifted, or just more hopefull. I am a Buddhist and have grown up my entire life as one because of my family. However, it has only been these last few years that I really understand want being spiritual is all about. Being healthy means being well in every aspect of life. Well, I believe that people need to be well spiritually as well. It does not have to be Buddhism or any type of religion. You can believe in fairies for all I care. The point is, have some type of inner feelings and beliefs of higher beings than ourselves. You'll find that it helps you get through life easier, and have some sense of meaning, if that makes any sense. Hope all is well!

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